Brow Lift


Brow Lift


Check out this month’s specials that will keep you looking your best!

Correct Creases, Lines, and Sags

As we age and lose soft tissue elasticity, the forehead skin develops laxity, and our brows slowly descend.  An appropriately positioned eyebrow is a sign of youth, and several surgical techniques have evolved to move the brow back into a more favorable position.

Dr. Meghan McGovern in Savannah, GA, is the area leader for facelifts

Brow Lift Savannah, GA

One of the earliest procedures to elevate the brow was the bi-coronal lift, which uses an incision that goes across the top of the head, just behind the hairline.  This is, perhaps, the most powerful type of lift because it gives the surgeon optimal exposure and opportunities to correct the entire forehead. The corrugator muscles that cause the “11 lines” between our eyes can be removed as well.  It is, however, the most invasive, and is used infrequently today.

A less invasive yet effective alternative is to use two, smaller incisions that straddle the temporal crest, behind the hairline. This method is capable of making favorable improvements to the lateral brow by tightening specific fascial layers of the forehead soft tissue.

Another technique that works well is performed at the same time as a blepharoplasty.  The incision, in the upper eyelid crease, permits the surgeon to reposition the mid and lateral brow, re-anchoring it to the periosteum; excess upper eyelid skin is removed as well. Patients enjoy the improvements of blepharoplasty plus the added benefit of improved brow position; eventually, the incision becomes barely visible.

A host of factors must be considered when choosing the best technique.  Age, severity, location of hairline, and the patient’s expectations must be thoroughly considered.

Scheduling Your Consultation

Dr. McGovern will discuss your options during your consultation in one of our two Georgia offices. Call 912.920.2090 or schedule your complimentary and confidential consultation online.




Dr. Meghan McGovern is a leading plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Savannah, GA

Meghan McGovern

“My passion is helping you find the best plan for the results you want to achieve. Whether it’s a surgical approach or a non-surgical alternative, I will always do what’s right for you. I am driven by providing highly personalized care and impressive results, helping you achieve your dreams.”

Dr. Meghan McGovern in Savannah, GA, is the area leader for facelifts


Brow Lift Savannah, GA

One of the earliest procedures to elevate the brow was the bi-coronal lift, which uses an incision that goes across the top of the head, just behind the hairline.  This is, perhaps, the most powerful type of lift because it gives the surgeon optimal exposure and opportunities to correct the entire forehead. The corrugator muscles that cause the “11 lines” between our eyes can be removed as well.  It is, however, the most invasive, and is used infrequently today.

A less invasive yet effective alternative is to use two, smaller incisions that straddle the temporal crest, behind the hairline. This method is capable of making favorable improvements to the lateral brow by tightening specific fascial layers of the forehead soft tissue.

Another technique that works well is performed at the same time as a blepharoplasty.  The incision, in the upper eyelid crease, permits the surgeon to reposition the mid and lateral brow, re-anchoring it to the periosteum; excess upper eyelid skin is removed as well. Patients enjoy the improvements of blepharoplasty plus the added benefit of improved brow position; eventually, the incision becomes barely visible.

A host of factors must be considered when choosing the best technique.  Age, severity, location of hairline, and the patient’s expectations must be thoroughly considered.

Scheduling Your Consultation

Dr. McGovern will discuss your options during your consultation in one of our two Georgia offices. Call 912.920.2090 or schedule your complimentary and confidential consultation online.



Dr. Meghan McGovern is a leading plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Savannah, GA

Meghan McGovern

“My passion is helping you find the best plan for the results you want to achieve. Whether it’s a surgical approach or a non-surgical alternative, I will always do what’s right for you. I am driven by providing highly personalized care and impressive results, helping you achieve your dreams.”