



Check out this month’s specials that will keep you looking your best!

A Facelift as Unique as You

There is no one facelift. Just as no two faces are alike, so, too, should no two facelifts be just alike. In fact, Dr. Meghan McGovern often uses multiple techniques in a facelift, because her goal is to harmonize the features and contours of your face.

Dr. Meghan McGovern in Savannah, GA, is the area leader for facelifts

Facelift Savannah, GA

A facelift (rhytidectomy) is a procedure designed to treat the sagging cheek and jowl region of the face and tighten the skin of the neck. The effect of the facelift is to provide an enhanced and more youthful appearance. The surgical technique is matched with the specific needs of the patient. The technique chosen may include either the short-scar mini-facelift, the traditional skin-only facelift, the corset neck lift, or the popular SMAS lift for the sagging jowl. The method chosen is catered to the patient to promote inconspicuous scars and a natural appearance.

What to Expect

These procedures are usually performed under general anesthesia at RenewalMD and take three to six hours. Incisions are planned to coincide with the natural skin creases in front of the ear, around the ear lobe, and then behind the ear extending into the scalp. Usually a small incision is placed under the chin. Excess fat is removed from the neck, and the front edges of the neck muscles are sutured together to tighten the neck. The elevated skin flaps are then re-draped over the face; excess skin is removed and the incisions closed.

The following day, the dressing is removed and the patient wears an elastic garment for three to six weeks to control swelling. Sutures are removed one to two weeks later. A patient generally restricts her or her social contacts for approximately three to six weeks to allow any swelling and bruising to subside.

Scheduling Your Consultation

Dr. McGovern will discuss your options during your consultation in one of our two Georgia offices. Call 912.920.2090 or schedule your complimentary and confidential consultation online.




Dr. Meghan McGovern is a leading plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Savannah, GA

Meghan McGovern

“My passion is helping you find the best plan for the results you want to achieve. Whether it’s a surgical approach or a non-surgical alternative, I will always do what’s right for you. I am driven by providing highly personalized care and impressive results, helping you achieve your dreams.”

Dr. Meghan McGovern in Savannah, GA, is the area leader for facelifts


Facelift Savannah, GA

A facelift (rhytidectomy) is a procedure designed to treat the sagging cheek and jowl region of the face and tighten the skin of the neck. The effect of the facelift is to provide an enhanced and more youthful appearance. The surgical technique is matched with the specific needs of the patient. The technique chosen may include either the short-scar mini-facelift, the traditional skin-only facelift, the corset neck lift, or the popular SMAS lift for the sagging jowl. The method chosen is catered to the patient to promote inconspicuous scars and a natural appearance.

What to Expect

These procedures are usually performed under general anesthesia at RenewalMD and take three to six hours. Incisions are planned to coincide with the natural skin creases in front of the ear, around the ear lobe, and then behind the ear extending into the scalp. Usually a small incision is placed under the chin. Excess fat is removed from the neck, and the front edges of the neck muscles are sutured together to tighten the neck. The elevated skin flaps are then re-draped over the face; excess skin is removed and the incisions closed.

The following day, the dressing is removed and the patient wears an elastic garment for three to six weeks to control swelling. Sutures are removed one to two weeks later. A patient generally restricts her or her social contacts for approximately three to six weeks to allow any swelling and bruising to subside.

Scheduling Your Consultation

Dr. McGovern will discuss your options during your consultation in one of our two Georgia offices. Call 912.920.2090 or schedule your complimentary and confidential consultation online.



Dr. Meghan McGovern is a leading plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Savannah, GA

Meghan McGovern

“My passion is helping you find the best plan for the results you want to achieve. Whether it’s a surgical approach or a non-surgical alternative, I will always do what’s right for you. I am driven by providing highly personalized care and impressive results, helping you achieve your dreams.”